A Letter from My heart to yours..

Dreamwalker's Sanctuary

Dear Friends,

Where does one’s thoughts start as you try to make sense of the world?.. You can’t. All you can try to do is make sense of your own. And even that at times is hard to fathom.

I search my heart and often the tears will flow for no reason, other than such sadness sweeps through me at what we are doing to ourselves.

I pull myself up and give myself a good talking to.. Oh often!.. If you were a fly on the wall will you hear me talking away to myself. I am so blessed, very much so with the love of family, and try to send out my positive vibes to help add some Healing and peace to the world..

Is it the world’s tears I feel, or am I still shedding the layers of my own emotions? As I peel them off one by…

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One thought on “A Letter from My heart to yours..

  1. Good Morning Barbara, thank you for the reblog, Just wakng up back into the blog world.. 🙂

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